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Resources for Researching Longmeadow's Homes

Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS)

The Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS) allows you to search the Massachusetts Historical Commission database for information on historic properties and areas in the Commonwealth.


Users of the database should keep in mind that it does not include information on all historic properties and areas in Massachusetts, nor does it reflect all the information on file on historic properties and areas at the Massachusetts Historical Commission.


Search of the MACRIS database is guided by the Search Filters chosen and applied. A search can be filtered, by City/Town, Address, Historic Name, Resource Type, Architect/Maker, Use Type, Architectural Style, Areas of Significance, Designation Type, and Construction Year. When Search Filters are applied they add to one another to reduce your search results.


Each historic property or area in the MACRIS database will have an MHC ID assigned to it. The MHC ID in Search Results is linked to a Details screen with more information about the historic property or area. Photos when available will be in the Search Results table and on the Details screen. Inventory and National Register forms, when available, will have icons to indicate these documents can be downloaded in the Search Results table and on the Details screen.

Search Results can be exported in both PDF and Excel formats.


Link is here.

Structures of Historical Significance in Longmeadow and the Rules Governing Them.

This list compiled by the Longmeadow Historical Commission on the Town of Longmeadow website indicates if a structure exists in a historically significant area, was built before 1901 and therefore subject to the town's Demolition Delay By-Law and/or is part of the Longmeadow Historic District and subject to its Rules and Regulations and Design Guidelines.

Hampden County Registry of Deeds

The Hampden County Registry of Deeds holds the recorded deeds for all real estate transactions and land court decisions for the town of Longmeadow dating back to the mid-18th Century in its online database.  Deeds prior to the aforementioned period are not digitized and an in person visit is required. 

Longmeadow Historic Preservation and Restoration Resources

This list was compiled as a joint effort between the Longmeadow Historical Society, the Longmeadow Historic District Commission, and the Longmeadow Historical Commission and is published on the Town of Longmeadow website. It provides a list of books, web resources, local historical consultants, periodicals, tax resources, and local historical contractors to help Longmeadow homeowners preserve and restore their historic homes. 


Disclaimer: This list is for informational purposes only and does not represent a recommendation. Please do your own due diligence when utilizing these resources.

Storrs House Museum and Archive Finding Aid/Research Tool

This web tool provides search capability to a digital summary of the Longmeadow related archives available at Storrs House Museum and elsewhere in Western MA. This work was supported by a 2017-2018 grant from the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts and created and hosted by the University of Massachusetts Amherst. 


Contact us to learn more about our collections, upcoming events, and visiting the Storrs House Museum.


697 Longmeadow Street Longmeadow, MA 01106

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© 2024 by Longmeadow Historical Society. 

Address: 697 Longmeadow Street 

Longmeadow, MA 01106


Phone: (413) 567-3600 

The contents of this website are the property of the Longmeadow Historical Society and may only be used or reproduced for non-commercial purposes unless licensing is obtained from the society.


The Longmeadow Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization

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